Integrating Sustainability Into Hazard Studies
Company News
Did you see our poster at the IChemE Hazards 33 Process Safety Conference in Birmingham last week?
If not, or you’d just like a refresh, why not download it and don’t forget, you can always reach out to us if you have questions…

Hazards 33: we are presenting!
Company News
Are you interested in sustainability, the environment, climate change or natural hazard impact on the process industry?
If that’s a yes, come and see us present at the IChemE Hazards 33 Process Safety Conference on Thursday 9…

RAS become Chemical Testing Partner of Sigma-HSE
Company NewsHaving recently become a Chemical Testing Partner of Sigma-HSE we can offer you chemical testing right when you need it.
We know it can be a challenge when you have a material but don’t know its properties. For example, take an organic powder;…