Environmental Permitting
Our environmental specialists can work closely with you to develop a process that suits your company and your objectives, from modelling and reporting to liaising with stakeholders and local communities.
We specialise in helping companies apply for, vary, and comply with their environmental permits in accordance with The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. In doing this we can support you in understanding and interpreting guidance from a variety of sources such as the UK Environment Agency, The European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB), and Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference documents so that we can draw conclusions that are relevant to your activities.
We have experience in undertaking H1 risk assessments and detailed dispersion modelling using the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Software (ADMS) to look at the impact of hazardous pollutants released within discharges to surface waters and to small infiltration systems from the operation of installations and waste sites, point source water discharge activities and from stand-alone water discharge activities when supporting your permit applications.