Process and Technical Safety Consultants

Understanding and facilitating the effective management of risk is our core business. Only when the risk facing an organisation is well understood can it be effectively managed. Key to the successful identification, assessment and management of risk is engagement with the right people, using the right processes at the right time.

Collaboration is key to our approach. Our team will work with you provide clear outputs that can then be fed into pragmatic risk management solutions. We use transparent techniques and focus on communicating complex information in a clear and accessible way.

Our role is to help you to understand the hazards and threats facing you from a business risk perspective, some of which may not be obvious. We will build up a clear picture of the risk and help you to focus your efforts in the right places.

Our environmental specialists work closely with you to develop a process that suits your  company and objectives, from modelling and reporting to liaising with stakeholders and local communities.

We believe we are different to many of our competitors and our approach is distinctive. We don’t always walk the well-trodden path but look at each client’s particular risk context and develop a tailored solution, working in partnership with our clients.

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R A S Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 02782110.
Our registered office is at 6 Abbots Quay, Monks Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral, England, CH41 5LH.